
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Good day my friends! It has been over a year since my last post.  This is the only week this year that I will have a chance to update all of you.

DS1 completed Book 1 of his Suzuki piano lessons just before the Spring Semester ended (he started his lessons in February 2011) and he has been regularly practicing even though they do not offer any Suzuki lessons during the summer.

I have been in training since our school year ended and only have this week for relaxation (sort of).  Next week, I will be starting in my new school and the children will be with me. DS1 is now a first grader and DS2 is still in preschool (they have grown tremendously - specially DS2).

When I have a chance to share with you what we have been up to, I will share some pictures. Until then, I wish you all a good, happy and healthy year. God bless us all!